Rent AlphaTheta sound equipment now at BIYU


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Emerging from the renowned Pioneer, AlphaTheta is synonymous with excellence in the audio world. At BIYU, we have a passion for providing access to the very best gear from the best brands, and AlphaTheta is no exception. From professional DJ gear to high-end headphones, AlphaTheta delivers top quality time and time again. With AlphaTheta at BIYU, you have the opportunity to enjoy the ultimate sound experience without the hassle of ownership. Discover the power of sound and the freedom of rental with AlphaTheta at BIYU.


Wij houden wel van een feestje! Jij ook? Verras jouw gasten met onze fantastische feestverhuurproducten. Van een bellenblaasmachine en een T-Rex-pak tot partytenten, speakers, games en pizzaovens: bij ons huur je de allergaafste feestartikelen. Dus, waar is dat feestje!?
Wave Eight battery powered speaker

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Portable DJ set OMNIS-DUO

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